What was once Georgetown Scott County Youth Soccer Association (GSCYSA) and Adena Futbol Club is now Georgetown FC.
Georgetown FC, or GFC, is unique in Central Kentucky in that we have a recreational league and a select league that operate under the same umbrella – no other soccer organization in Central Kentucky has that today! We want to take advantage of that and give all of our players the opportunity to play soccer in Scott County for their entire soccer career. Why leave Scott County when you have everything you need right here to be the best you can be?
Why we renamed our club?
After speaking with a number of families within our organization, including some that had left our club, we realized that the perception of youth soccer in Scott County wasn't as strong as it could be. We determined that, not only was it the right time for a new name and look, but it was the perfect opportunity to reinforce our club's commitment to our core principals.
What this change means to our players?
We want all of the children in our organization to love the game as much as the rest of the world does! Football is the #1 sport worldwide. We are committed to local soccer – both recreational and competitive. We want everyone to have fun each time they come to the complex, but we also want them to learn the intricacies of this beautiful game.
Your child is a part of building the club at all levels of play. From recreational youth soccer to academy soccer to participation in select leagues, they will wear the same Georgetown FC crest on their jersey. Their play will reflect our club and coaches, emphasis on player development, love for the game, and sportsmanship over winning.
As our club finishes our fourth year in existence, we understand that we have plenty of room to grow. As we continue to grow GFC within our local and regional communities, please consider making Georgetown FC your home for everything soccer! We offer benefits off the field to players and their families. Be sure to follow this site (or friend us on facebook & follow us on twitter) to be updated on news, schedules and all things soccer at GFC!